...OFFICIALLY WENT OUT OF BUSINESS ON 1 NOVEMBER 2002. Thanks to all our fans and customers for all their support over our amazing six-year run. Without you, none of this would've been possible.
Some elements of this web site will remain in place for as long as is feasible, for any fans looking for older material. Here are some helpful links:
If you wish to view AOG's last stock list update before the closing, click here
If you are looking for old Star Fleet Warlord material, click here
UPDATED! To visit the Babylon 5 Wars Forums, the B5W's Player Resource on the Web, click here (note: this is a fan-run site not affiliated with AOG)
Access the very last Babylon 5 Wars page, which includes links to fun extras like the Ship of the Month and bonus Showdowns-6 material
If you just want to read about Agent One's bike trip across the country, click here or on the bike... 
Page last updated on 5/1/2016