The AOG Field Agent Program

If you're seeing this, it's because you've decided to take the plunge and become a part of the Field Agent Demo Team. Congratulations! Your life as you know it is about to change forever. As a Field Agent, we will be counting on YOU to set up, coordinate, run and report on demo games at sci-fi and gaming cons in your area, as well as the occasional in-store demo or related event. In addition, if you plan on being at one of the major cons AOG attends during the year (Origins, GenCon, etc.), we'll put you to work assisting in the Grand Admiral's Tourney, demo tables in the hallway, selling product and answering questions in the AOG booth and more. In return, AOG will supply you with official Field Agents T-shirts, free admission to most cons that you'll be working, free AOG products for every demo you run and anything else we can think of to show you our deep and undying gratification.

Sound like fun? If so, please submit the following information to and we'll contact you very shortly. If accepted, you'll be immediately added to the list of Active Agents and sent out to the field in search of places to run demos!






AOG PRODUCTS YOU OWN (B5W books, miniature fleets, etc.)

CON EXPERIENCE (number attended annually, running games, etc.)

PLEASE DO NOT send email to any other source than this! The AOG staff is already swamped with correspondence as it is, so please don't clutter up the mailing lists, other mailboxes or call our office with more questions, direct all inquiries to the above email address. Good luck!