Ground Combat in the Babylon 5 Universe
GROPOS is a new ground battle game scheduled to appear in May, 2001. Although it is part of the established Babylon 5 Wars universe (and will be compatible with both B5W and Fleet Action, especially in campaigns), GROPOS is designed to stand on its own! Players will control tanks, mobile rocket launchers, hovercraft, infantry, and much more in the futuristic setting of the Babylon 5 television show. Find out what it's like to drive a Minbari main battle tank, bounce across rough terrain in a Narn wheeled attack vehicle, or fly an Earth Alliance VTOL ground to air attack craft! No matter if your goal is a pinpoint strike on a ground installation, the capture of a town or resource center, or the suppression of a planet's military forces, GROPOS will let you do it all!
This page will be updated frequently during the development of GROPOS, so check back often for images, miniatures photos, and other previews, such as the Earth Alliance attack force. Below are links to preliminary designs for some of the initial vehicle designs for the game. Others will be posted as they become available!
EA Thor Main Battle Tank
EA Odin Heavy Support Tank
Minbari Shrek Main Battle Tank
Centauri Main Battle Tank
Preview Miniatures Photos
All Miniatures are in 10mm (N Scale)
Shown Here: Earth Alliance Odin Tank
Minbari Infantry
Earth Alliance Tanks (Odin & Loki)
Earth Alliance VTOLS (Valkyrie & Frigga)
Earth Alliance Sliepner Scout Vehicle (display photo)
Earth Alliance Valkyrie VTOL (painted)
Earth Alliance Frigga VTOL (painted)
Earth Alliance Thor Tank (display photo)
Earth Alliance Infantry (display photo)
Miniatures Comparison Photos
Earth & Minbari Vehicles & Infantry
Infantry Comparison
Tank & Infantry Scales
Earth Vehicle Line
Tank Scales & Sizes
Tanks From Various Games