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Turning Point / Fleet Action 2
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B5W Earth Alliance Miniatures
B5W Minbari Federation Miniatures
B5W Centauri Republic Miniatures
B5W Narn Regime Miniatures
B5W Vorlon and Shadow Miniatures
B5W Abbai Matriarchate Miniatures
B5W Brakiri Syndicracy Miniatures
B5W Drazi Freehold Miniatures
B5W Gaim Intelligence Miniatures
B5W Pak'ma'ra Miniatures
B5W Vree Guilds Miniatures
B5W Raider & Civilian Miniatures
B5W Dilgar Imperium Miniatures
B5W Miscellaneous Miniatures
Fleet Action Rules and Supplements
FA Earth Alliance Miniatures
FA Minbari Federation Miniatures
FA Centauri Republic Miniatures
FA Narn Regime Miniatures
FA Vorlon and Shadow Miniatures
FA Dilgar Miniatures
FA League Miniatures
FA Miscellaneous Miniatures
GROPOS Rulebooks and Miniatures
Black Hills Terrain
Snarfquest Card Game
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Agents of Gaming
Order AOG Products Online!

Hello, you've found AOG's old online mail order page, now managed by me, Agent One!
Although AOG has closed, I bought out most of its leftover inventory and continue to offer it for sale online.
YES, I'M STILL TAKING ORDERS! However, I outlasted AOG's old shopping cart provider, who went out of business on 31 January 2013!
As a result, the online store was moved to the following location effective 1 February 2013:
The new site is powered by Amazon, so I expect it'll be less likely to unexpectedly close.
With Amazon handling sales, you can be completely confident of your online security when ordering.
The new site should be much easier to navigate, more accurate with shipping charge calculations, and easier to use.
Plus, you now order items individually instead of using the old blister pack configuration.
So if you only want one Fleet Action ship, you only have to get one, not four or six or whatever the pack used to come with. Fighters can also be ordered on a stand-by-stand basis.
If for some reason it doesn't work for you but you'd still like to order, you can always email me by clicking here.
I'm sure we can work something out.
Otherwise, enjoy the new store and have fun shopping!
Fleet Action Book Set
All four of the Fleet Action books (the Core Rules, My Enemy...My Ally, To the Victor, and Of Aliens and Giants) - basically the entire Fleet Action game - for the price of three books!
Fleet Action Earth Bonus Pack
One of each of the 19 Fleet Action blister packs for the Earth Alliance (Omega, Nova, Hyperion, Olympus, Oracle, Explorer, Starfury, Thunderbolt, Poseidon, Avenger, Artemis, Sagittarius, Tethys, Orestes, Shadow Omega, Warlock, Cronos, Apollo, Delphi) at a spectacular discount - this would cost about $200 if purchased separately! NOTE: Now includes the Explorer!
SALE PRICE $149.99
Fleet Action Minbari Bonus Pack
One of each of the 12 Fleet Action blister packs for the Minbari Federation (Sharlin, White Star, Tinashi, Leshath, Nial, Tishat, Flyer, Tigara, Neshatan, Torotha, Morshin, Troligan) at a spectacular discount - this would cost about $120 if purchased separately!
Fleet Action Narn Bonus Pack
One of each of the 14 Fleet Action blister packs for the Narn Regime (G'Quan, T'Loth, Sho'Kar, Thentus, Bin'Tak, Frazi, Gorith, Var'Nic, Dag'Kar, Rongoth, Ka'Toc, G'Karith, Sho'Kos, T'Rakk) at a spectacular discount - this would cost about $140 if purchased separately!
Fleet Action Centauri Bonus Pack
One of each of the 18 Fleet Action blister packs for the Centauri Republic (Primus, Vorchan, Covran, Altarian, Octurion, Sentri, Rutarian, Razik, Dargan, Haven, Kutai, Centurion, Balvarin, Darkner, Maximus, Mograth, Sulust, Lias) at a spectacular discount - this would cost about $180 if purchased separately! NOTE: Now includes the Lias!!
SALE PRICE $129.99
Fleet Action League Bonus Pack #1
One of each of the 20 Fleet Action blister packs for the Drazi, Vree and Brakiri (Warbird, Sunhawk, Sky Serpent, Stormfalcon, Star Snake, Xill, Xorr, Tzymm, Vaarl, Xeel, Vymish, Xvell, Xeecra, Avioki, Tashkat, Falkosi, Halik, Ikorta, Brokados, Pikitos) at a spectacular discount - this would cost about $200 if purchased separately! NOTE: Now includes the Xeel, Vymish, Xvell and Xeecra!
SALE PRICE $149.99
Fleet Action League Bonus Pack #2
One of each of the 20 Fleet Action blister packs for the Abbai, Hyach, and Cascor (Lakara, Bimith, Miliani, Tiraca, Shyarie, Kotha, Urutha Kal, Irokai Kam, Senchlat Kes, Okath Kat, Alichi Kav, Dartha, Tachila Kor, Norsca, Tacacci, Qoricc, Calaq, Tiqincc, Caccar, Crocti) at a spectacular discount - this would cost about $200 if purchased separately!
SALE PRICE $149.99
One of each of every Fleet Action blister pack produced to date at an INSANE discount - we must be CRAZY! That's one each of every blister pack for the Earth Alliance (19 packs), Minbari Federation (12), Narn Regime (14), Centauri Republic (18), Drazi (6), Vree (8), Brakiri (6), Abbai (6), Pak'ma'ra (4), Hyach (7), Cascor (7), Vorlons (7), Shadows (4), Dilgar (8), Raiders (1), and Civilians (4). Does not include ANY boxed sets (e.g., Squadron Boxes). That's over 125 packs of minis (worth over $1300) for an UNBELIEVABLE price! NOTE: Now includes AOG's last new release AND the Explorer and Planet-Killer, so you literally get one of every FA ship AOG ever made!
SALE PRICE $749.99
Babylon 5 Wars Rules Pack (as of Aug 2007)
All the books we have left for Babylon 5 Wars! Includes the following supplements: Showdowns-1, 2, 5, 6; Variants-1 through 4; Coming of the Shadows (book only); League of Non-Aligned Worlds (part 1), Raiders and Privateers; Reinforcements (random counter assortment); and the Tactics Guide! This huge collection of books would cost over $200 if purchased separately!
Some individual books are still available here.
Babylon 5 Wars Earth Miniatures Set
One of each of every full scale Earth Alliance miniature at a tremendous discount! Includes the following full scale miniatures: Omega, Babylon 5, Starfury, Nova, Artemis, Hyperion, Poseidon, Olympus, Sagittarius, Thunderbolt, Warlock, Badger, Tethys, Oracle, Avenger, Orestes, Hermes, Explorer. These would cost over $275 if purchased separately, but are available as a set at almost half price!
Some individual ships are still available here.
Babylon 5 Wars Minbari Miniatures Set
One of each of every full scale Minbari miniature at a tremendous discount! Includes the following full scale miniatures: Sharlin, Nial, Flyer, Torotha, White Star, Leshath, Tinashi, Tigara, Morshin, Tishat, Troligan, Neshatan. These would cost over $110 if purchased separately, but are available as a set at almost half price!
Some individual ships are still available here.
Babylon 5 Wars Narn Miniatures Set
One of each of every full scale Narn miniature at a tremendous discount! Includes the following full scale miniatures: G'Quan, Frazi, T'Loth, Bin'Tak, Rongoth, Sho'Kos, G'Karith, Dag'Kar, Sho'Kar, Kat'Toc, Gorith, Var'Nic, Thentus. These would cost over $150 if purchased separately, but are available as a set at almost half price!
Some individual ships are still available here.
Babylon 5 Wars Centauri Miniatures Set
One of each of every full scale Centauri miniature at a tremendous discount! Includes the following full scale miniatures: Primus, Sentri, Vorchan, Dargan, Covran, Octurion, Haven, Kutai, Centurion, Balvarin, Altarian, Maximus, Rutarian, Mograth, Sulust, Darkner. These would cost over $180 if purchased separately, but are available as a set at almost half price!
Some individual ships are still available here.
Babylon 5 Wars First Ones Miniatures Set
One of each of every full scale Shadow and Vorlon miniature at a tremendous discount! Includes the following full scale miniatures: Shadow Cruiser, Shadow Scout, Shadow Fighter, Vorlon Light Cruiser, Vorlon Destroyer, Vorlon Heavy Fighter, Vorlon Transport, Vorlon Heavy Cruiser). These would cost over $100 if purchased separately, but are available as a set at almost half price!
Some individual ships are still available here.
Babylon 5 Wars Miniatures EVERYTHING PACK!
One of each of every full scale miniature in our inventory for a RIDICULOUS discount! Includes items BW-201 through BW-300, plus BW-308 through 310 and BW-316 through 318 - a total of 106 miniatures worth over $1,250! Just try to find a better deal anywhere in this sector of space!!
Some individual ships are still available at the links above.
Dice Set Four-Pack
All four of the B5 Dice Sets (Earth, Minbari, Narn, Centauri) at a huge discount!